Hello there, I’m Ben Cheng!😊

👨‍🎓 I’m a third year undergraduate student at the University of Toronto.

💕 My research interests are in Distributed System, Human-computer Interaction and Machine Learning.

🤖 I’m currently working as a research assistant in the Middleware Systems Research Group (MSRG) lab and participating in a research-based course CSC494 supervised by Professor Khai Truong. I am also acting as a web developer in the Centre for Social Services Engineering and a Software Developer in a startup company called ActEarn.

Personal Experience

CSC494 Project (Designing Chatbots for Spatial Reasoning on Location Based Information)

–Developing location-aware services with cartographer, librarian and navigator functions –Applying Chatbots and LLM models to automatically learn about space and object relation, applying spatial reasoning and labelling objects and points of interests

iOS Development on ActEarn

–Joined an AI-powered app, WanderFlow, which leverages Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) to revolutionize information consumption and customize personal content –Participated in WanderFlow development (iOS-17 application) using React Native, Sendbird and Clerk

Web Development on Middleware Systems Research Group

Constructed a full-function lab website demonstrating all information for lab members and their research.

Developing a recommendation system for publications through machine learning algorithms.

Application Development on Centre for Social Services Engineering

Developed and deployed full-text searching and advanced searches for the application.

Implemented and applied searching queries running on the Semantic Graph Databases.